Margot Bogue

Margot Bogue’s oil paintings express her fascination with the world around her. She is often found in her studio arranging flowers and pottery into interesting compositions or outdoors finding perfection in nature. Margot paints representationally, but her style varies from contemporary realism, to impressionistic, and occasionally abstraction.
Margot grew up in Southwestern Michigan and has a BFA from Michigan State University. She lived in Texas, Florida, Illinois, and Georgia before moving to Fishers with her husband, Kirk Bogue. During the first part of her career, Margot worked as a graphic designer, first in advertising and later as a freelance artist. All along the way, she furthered her interest in fine art with classes and studied with painter Annette Pate of Roswell, Georgia for ten years.
Margot has been in juried shows throughout Georgia and Indiana and her paintings are in many private collections. She is a member of the CCA Gallery and the Hamilton County Artists’ Association and shows often in the Gallery at City Hall, Fishers, sponsored by the Fishers Arts Council. Her work can be seen on her website, in group and solo shows, and in the CCA Gallery in Carmel, IN.